Teen events are free for all teens in jr. high and high school.
PG Library Write-In
This ongoing activity will be held on the 3rd Friday of each month. Join us for a
quiet night of writing at the library. Please bring your own laptop and headphones.
We will provide the space and moral support. For ages 12+.
September 20 from 6:00 - 8:30
D&D Club/Game Night for Everyone
Everyone is invited to play D&D or one of the many board games that we have.
In celebration of "Talk Like a Pirate Day" feel free to come dressed as a pirate!
Monday, September 23 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Open Game Time
Drop in and play our X-Box and Wii. Several games to choose from. For teens in jr
high and high school.
Friday, October 4 from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Teen After Hours: Life-Size CLUE
Play the who-dun-it mystery game with a twist. Life-sized! For teens in jr high and
high school.